TFC is an autonomous, non– governmental and non– partisan body that is member owned and managed in the spirit of internationally recognized co-operative principles and values.

TFC was registered on 8th December, 1994 with Registration Number 5503 under the Co-operative Societies Act No. 15, 1991. The Founding Members of TFC consists of five national cooperative apexes (Tanzania Tobacco Co-operative Apex – TTCA) two specialized Unions (Savings and Credit Cooperative Union of Tanzania – SCCULT and Tanzania Industrial Co-operative Union and six Cooperative Unions. However historically, TFC has undergone several structural changes.

TFC replaced the Co-operative union of Tanzania (CUT) following the adoption of the new policy and enactment of the cooperative Act in 1991 which rescinded the political association of the cooperative movement as a mass organization of the ruling part by then. Therefore, since the Cooperative Act of 1991 stressed on promoting autonomy of Co-operatives and member empowerment, there was a need to have an independent cooperative body, as a result TFC was formed

What We Do

Tanzania Federation of Co-operatives Ltd; is the national cooperative Umbrella Organization that promotes, serves and coordinates the work of cooperative societies in mainland Tanzania. (Cooperatives are voluntary organizations, open to all persons able to use their services and willing to accept the responsibilities of membership, without gender, social, racial, political or religious discrimination. ICA Statement of Identity, 1995).

The Federation works to support and improve the policy, economic, legal, technical and institutional environment for all cooperatives from primary to secondary societies. The Federation is working to offer alternative positive ways of developing the cooperative sector that is independent.

Co-operative Principles

  • Voluntary and Open Membership.
  • Democratic Member Control
  • Members Economic Participation
  • Autonomy and Independence
  • Education, Training & Information
  • Co-operation among Co-operatives
  • Concern for Community

Info Title

Info Description


The Motto of the Federation is “Co-operatives for Inclusive Development” in Kiswahili “Ushirika kwa Maendeleo Jumuishi


Projects Completed
The Vision of TFC is to become “best institution connecting co-operatives to offer quality and affordable services”


The Mission of TFC is “To foster development of democratic and economically viable co-operatives for socio-economic transformation”.


Core Values

In fulfilling the Vision and Mission TFC will be guided by the following core values: 

Social Responsibility 80%
Democracy 98%
Integrity 90%
Innovation 84%
Team work 92%

TFC Sources of Funds

TFC obtains income to run its activities from various sources. Basic income comes from the members in the form fees, shares and contributions. However, the major income source is its investments in real estate business. Also from the donor funded projects of the development partners.

TFC Public and Private Partnership

TFC operates under the Government Cooperative Policy, Cooperative Act and Cooperative Rules. TFC partner with the ministry of agriculture, livestock and fisheries, ministry of industry and trade and other ministries in different issues. TFC partner with different development partners such as Norges Vel, EU, FAO, IFAD, ALPHA ASSOCIATES in co-operative development, youth and women empowerments, Rural employment etc.

TFC is also a member of International Co-operative Alliance (ICA), Eastern Africa Farmers Federation (EAFF), Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF), JUWAVITA, and Agricultural Council of Tanzania (ACT).

Benefits of Being a member of TFC