Women and youth Inclusion Program
TFC is involved in facilitation of involvement of Youth and Women in Cooperatives and Agricultural sector.
Co-operatives Research Fund Programs
TFC is mandated to conduct researches for the Co-operatives Societies in collaboration with MoCU
Public Cooperative Education Program
TFC have been promoting idea of Cooperative education programs to the public for the sake of promoting Co-operative awareness.
Market Linkage Program
TFC linking famers with both national and international markets, inputs suppliers and financial institutions.
Capacity Building Program
TFC conduct capacity building programs to cooperatives in order to improve the performance and growth.
Cooperative Business Forums
TFC have been mobilizing national forum for all forms of Cooperatives called International Cooperative Day (ICD) in order to promote Cooperative business
TFC Lobbying and Advocacy
TFC as an umbrella organization for the co-operatives societies in Tanzania.